Volunteer Spotlight: Dave Hattan

Dave Hattan  is an IT manager with the State of Nebraska. He's been an LTC volunteer for more than ten years.What is your current position: Like many of our board members, I wear multiple hats.  Marathon packet stuffing and handout helper since 2006, marathon intersection volunteer coordinator since 2009, insurance and permitting coordinator since 2012, timing assistance since 2016.What are your responsibilities:Marathon Intersection Volunteer Coordinator: contact previous year’s volunteers who form a strong base for the over one hundred intersections that need coverage. Reach out to new volunteers to pair them with an intersection that meets their availability. Communicate instructions to volunteers prior to race day.  Field questions on race day from volunteers.Insurance and Permitting Coordinator: Primarily in November and December coordinate insurance and permitting for all LTC races.  Starting with RRCA membership and insurance coverage, then USATF National and Nebraska race sanctions, next City Special Events permit applications, Lincoln Park and Rec special use permits, LDP uniformed officers requests, Lancaster County Special Events permit, LFD request for standby EMS Services, NRD MoPac trail usage request, UNL 4 races certificates of insurance, and All Roads Barricade Company request for coning and barricades.  During the year post race updates to USATF.  My crib sheet for this is now forty-three pages long.  Whew, makes me tired just thinking about it.Timing assistance: Pre-race day review of entries, number assignments, and loading data into the software used during the race.  Race day includes mat and decoder set-up and late changes. Then race start and capture of bibs numbers, aace results and error detection during the race.  Post-race includes sending post-race results to participants, uploading data to Online Results.com. I am helping recruit and train other volunteers on timing.How did you initially get involved: I used to run all LTC races but the marathon, so the marathon was my opportunity to give back to the Track Club.  I started by helping Lu Wetzler working an intersection during the marathon and helping with packet stuffing and handout when we were doing it at the Embassy Suites.Why have you continued to volunteer for the LTC: Being a runner, I liked being around the “runner crowd” and take great satisfaction in the accomplishments of LTC as a volunteer organization.What is most rewarding about being an LTC volunteer: Knowing that our efforts are helping people develop a healthy lifestyle.What is the most challenging aspect: The little surprises that occur at the worst time. With marathon intersection coordination, it is volunteers that let you know the day of the race they are unable to help because of a personal situation.How do you stay fit: As I have grown older I have become comfortable with competing in 5K races, which lately have mainly been in Tucson where I have grandkids. When I am not injured, I train three days a week with a target weekly mileage between twelve to eighteen miles.  I also took up swimming four years ago for cross training, attempting to get to the pool a couple times a week. I have a treadmill at home that I walk on daily to bump up my step count.


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Dort Worth Volunteer of the Year: Tom Becker