Havelock Virtual Run Recap

The 2020 Havelock Charity Run will go down as an event of "firsts."
This was our first time going virtual! Despite that fact, over 75 percent of registered participants turned in finishing times.
Since we were virtual, this was also the first time that we were a global event! We had participants running in six different states!
Another first; Tank Tops! That's right, participants got a one-of-a-kind Havelock Charity Run tank top this year. If you haven't picked up your shirt yet, check your email for instructions.
This is also the first time that we allowed participants to run on the day of their choosing. The event took place from June 6 through June 14.
Finally, despite 2020 being a historic year for the Havelock Charity Run, we tried to maintain many of the special features that have made this event so wonderful throughout the years.Seventeen teams finish this year and raised nearly $900 for local charities. And, although these numbers are down from previous years, we did help 200 people stay active while making a difference in our community.
Thank you for participating in the 42nd annual Havelock Charity Run. We look forward to seeing you all next year!

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From the Desk of the President